"Raining all day" so many times I was scared to give up on the dreams that I look back on "Raining all day" The night sky is cloudy, but Little star realize that Rainy days never stays
It has been a while but with some new fundraiser items from several fundraisers for Japan sales in Second Life, Jubiebunny's been out and about, shopping for a good cause.
I seriously dislike our internet connection, despite all the effort and tooling Dalrain does it still annoys the living daylights out of me. Oh well, at least I am almost finished with some of my intended 'release' items in SL now that spring break allows me to focus more on my second life work/ventures. More details on my KUE! blog later this week
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God do I dislike learning how to make particles D: It's so stressing and sometimes I feel lost in translation like when I am in my current Geology class at Wooster on the History of Life >_<